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Introducing William Archer Burns
The First Days at Home


We’re so excited to introduce for the first time on the blog, William Archer Burns! He was born on August 8th at 11:56pm at All About Babies Birth Center in Argyle. We seriously could not have had a more amazing experience with our midwives there and cannot say enough words of praise about them! I’m not going to get into his birth in this post – I’ll save that for a later post, stay tuned! – so let’s fast forward to us bringing him home.

It’s been three weeks since he entered the world, and it’s already hard to imagine life without him! Sometimes I’m still amazed that he’s here already – I thought for sure I might still be pregnant even right now! Haha! What I remember most about the first day at home was being in awe that there were THREE of us now! We were definitely both riding an amazing high of surreal excitement! The first few days I even had a hard time sleeping while he napped, because I was just wired with adrenaline! The exhaustion would set in later (believe me, haha!), but at first I was so wired! I was also so thankful my physical recovery was smoother than I could have hoped for! I was pretty sore but other than that, I felt great! I spent the first few days just lounging on the couch with a whole lot of baby snuggles. We didn’t have a ton of visitors those first few days and honestly I was thankful. It gave us time to just be the three of us, and I have such sweet memories of those first few days!

By day three, nursing still hadn’t been going well though. I was in so much pain, engorged, frustrated, and poor William was lethargic from not eating enough. We were constantly having to wake him up to try and feed him, but he didn’t even have enough energy to eat. At birth, our midwife had suspected that William had a tongue tie, but we were waiting to see if things improved. They didn’t so it was time for help. We had two different lactation consultants that came out, and they gave me lots of pointers that improving nursing, but they still believed that things definitely could be better if we checked his tongue tie. Things had improved slightly once we got some food in his system and his energy returned, but nursing was still incredibly painful, so we decided to take him to a specialist for a consult. He confirmed our suspicions and performed the procedure that day to snip his tongue tie. I know, it sounds terrible! It was so quick though, and William did great! He felt like a completely different kid after that. There was a little bit of discomfort at first, but it got better and better each time! I seriously felt so relieved and remember at one point telling Tyler, “This doesn’t hurt at all!! I could actually enjoy this!!” Since then, nursing has been great, and I’m so thankful we got this resolved so early on and didn’t try to “push through” it like so many moms do.

Meanwhile, Banjo’s had quite the adjustment for himself as well. At first, I think he just thought we brought home a cute little visitor and was very excited and interested in everything he did and every sound he made. After a few days though, his amusement wore off, and he started feeling jealous. We captured so many candids with Banjo awkwardly pouting in the background – it was hilarious! We tried to not let him interact with him too much because we wanted to incorporate that into his newborn session and hopefully capture a really cute candid moment. As you’ll see though, Banjo was less than amused and really broke our hearts with how sad he was! We’ve never seen him like this before, and it was so sad. Don’t worry though – I think he hit his low point and is on the up and up now! Haha!

I’ll be sharing his full birth story soon, but for now we wanted to share an update and of course a ton of adorable photos of him! A special shout out goes to Hannah Higgins for taking the precious photos of the three of us!


Poor Banjo…feeling neglected and ignored


And if you remember Carter’s reaction in the Family Feud video, you’ll understand why this is hilarious!



We’ve been so blessed to have so many people come over and help! Tyler’s mom was able to spend the night a few times and help as we were adjusting to nights with a newborn, and it was seriously such a blessing!


Banjo was VERY intrigued those first few days!


And this is what I call dad logic right here! I died laughing when one day, I saw the colander sitting on the postal scale and could guess what Tyler had been up to. We’d been wanting to see how much milk he was getting by weighing him. “But hey, it works and keeps him on the scale,” Tyler said.


This is Tyler’s Mimi holding him for the first time! Isn’t she the cutest?!


My sister Rachel came to visit and brought my three year old nephew, Nate, and one year old niece, Penelope! Nate was really into William – it was darling! I can’t wait for these two to be able to play together!


Grandma and Grandpa Burns couldn’t make it to our house, so we came to them!



And what kind of parents would we be if we didn’t include embarrassing bath photos?!


Tyler’s become a swaddling ninja! He says it’s because you have to be tough with the baby to get it nice and tight, and “dads are better at that because moms are too sweet,” haha!


We called Banjo over to join us in the photos, and he literally plopped himself RIGHT in front of us! We were dying laughing!


Then he broke our hearts with this pout! LOOK AT THAT FACE! I can’t even.


He was so over it.


Such a forced smile. Haha.


We tried to reassure him that we love him, but he wasn’t buying it. His heart was already broken.


If you enjoyed this post, you may also like William’s birth story!





